Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I recently mentioned several unposted posts. One of them chronicled the adventures of Mogli's 4th birthday extravaganza. It involved Chuck-e-Cheese, seven hundred some odd tickets and the cheap toys purchased with them, cake, ice cream, grandparents, and lots and lots of balloons.

Along with turning four comes a doctor checkup. Being that his mother is a nurse,not to mention he's already had his share of emergency visits, he isn't afraid of doctor's offices the way many children are. In fact I dare say he was excited. He has backed off on the growing thing, only in the 84th height percentile, down some 10% or so from last year. He was declared fit as a fiddle, and the doctor told him he could have his kindergarten shots if he wanted them. He told the doctor that he quite likes shots, and yes he would appreciate having them post haste. No sense waiting around to get sick when such a fun thing as shots are available, right? He came home and showed me the dots on his leg and was just as pleased as could be!

Well, I went to class, he visited Grammy, and by the time I got home he was singing a whole new tune. It went something like "you can't pick me up or put me down or make me go to bed or let me stay up or give me a hug or let me go or stay here or go in the other room and I can't hold still or move because my shots hurt me too much."

Maybe next time he'll think twice

Now playing: Wilco - Shot in the Arm
via FoxyTunes before volunteering for early medical treatment.


  1. kindergarten shots are rough. I'm not sure what it is but that last one they give is killer, all thick and itchy.
    Zizza was thrilled to get her kindergarten shots a few months ago. "I love shots!" she said. This because she remembered getting a flu shot when she was 3 and what a big deal we made over her bravery.
    Kindergarten shots are not like a flu shot.
    She does not love shots anymore.

  2. Yes I accidentally touched the hurt leg....oops
